A very cool Jay & Silent Bob moment
Earlier this week, I got a call from a new client, ‘Marilyn,’ about a MacBook Air repair. She was nice, and I got her the details of the job, and we started the project. Earlier today, the parts came in, and she met me at our meet-and-greet location. I told her it would be ready in about an hour or two. We got the job done sooner than expected. Marilyn met with me again, She loved the work and having her computer back to normal. As we talked, I noticed that her keys were on a lanyard with Jay & Silent Bob on it. I asked her if she was a big Kevin Smith fan, and she looked in inquisitively and asked me if I was. I told her yes and that I have a signed poster, etc… she then smiled at me and said I played “Veronica”. I freaked and said, “Holy sh!t” (for all you Kevin Smith fans, Veronica was the lead character Dante’s girlfriend in the groundbreaking movie Clerks). Marilyn laughed and was super cool. Definitely the highlight of my day. 😎
#marilynghigliotti @marilynghigliotti #thatkevinsmith #jayandsilentbob #apple #mac #macservice #iphone #applewatch #macbook #macbookpro #imac #macmini #ipad #pc #pcsupport #msp #computer #losangelestechsupport #latechsupport #techguru #remotetechsuppport #servicemac #macmyday #macmydaystudios #macmydayla